Knowledge Management is a concept that is nowadays widely applied in different organizations - knowledge being one of the main assets to be preserved.
The purpose of knowledge transfer from the place where it is generated to the place where it will be used implies the development of the necessary competencies within organizations to share and use it among their members, as well as to identify and incorporate it if it is found externally.
OilProduction offers its expertise to capitalize the knowledge of your organization by providing tools and services related to management by competencies and specialized training in its different modalities.
Analysis and definition of technical and management skills
Lessons learned models and best practices
Analysis and definition of competences
Training plan designs
Training curriculum design
Design of operational handbooks
In-House Training
Virtual Training
Training Based on Simulation
Es un Modelo de gestión que engloba un conjunto de estrategias, procesos y tecnologías necesarias para captar, almacenar, compartir y asegurar que tanto la información como el conocimiento de la organización se traduzcan en ventajas competitivas, en innovación y en soluciones ágiles, que agreguen valor a los objetivos del negocio.
La formación por competencia es entendida como “un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje “ que está orientado a que las personas adquieran habilidades, conocimientos y destrezas empleando procedimientos o actitudes necesarias para mejorar su desempeño y alcanzar los fines de la organización.